❛Showtime❜ The Deer Hunter Watch Movie
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Writed by=Deric Washburn
star=Robert De Niro
Movie Info=The Deer Hunter is a movie starring Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken, and John Cazale. An in-depth examination of the ways in which the U.S. Vietnam War impacts and disrupts the lives of people in a small industrial town in
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There's this one great Vietnam War film but I can't put my finger on what's it called...
In a talk with Martin Sheen, Francis reveals that he was fed a marijuana cookie (without him knowing) just before going up on stage, and that he became inspired and that's why he started rambling about the future of communication and the movies in the 80s. Meryl Streep <3. I love this movie, but it depresses me every time I see it.
I really like that dark sound When the Deer Hunter comes up
Damn it Jack! Another video I can't watch cause the movie is still on my to watch list. I'm sure it's great even if I don't watch it. Nicky and Mike are really good friends. As they leave for Vietnam Nicky tells Mike to make a promise that no matter what, he wouldn't leave him over in Vietnam. But Nicky and Steve end up in the same platoon and Mike is left a loner. The three of them reunite only to be capture by Vietnamese soldiers and forced to play Russian Roulette. They narrowly escape and are rescued by an American helicopter, Nicky climbs aboard, but Mike and Steve end up plummeting into the river. Mike stays with Steve until he comes across a group of fleeing Vietnamese citizens, at which point he gives Steve to the medic and continues wondering in search of Nicky. Mike ends up seeing Nicky in the Russian Roulette den in Saigon, but as he tries to talk to him Nicky rides away with the Frenchman. This is where I think Mike went wrong. He leaves for home without Nick even after he promises that he wouldn't. Even though it is never said in the film I believe that Nicky knew Mike had left without him. Mike falls in love with Nicky's girlfriend but can not allow himself to be intimate with her until he either talks it over with Nick or finds out that Nick is dead. He then goes back to Saigon and finds Nicky playing Russian Roulette. After much negotiating and a heavy fee Mike sits across the table from Nicky. Both of them knowing that one of them is going to die. Sadly Nicky ends up shooting himself, at which point I think Mike is grief struck, but somewhat relieved. He returns home with Nicky and the services are held, but in the end it seems that Nick's girlfriend has somewhat of a grudge against Mike, as if it were his fault that Nick was shot. So in the end Mike went back to Saigon to keep his promise and bring Nick home, but if you ask me I don't believe his home life will ever be the same after this happening.
Nurse Ratched = Feminism and Socialism. One of the best war films, in my opinion. But great video - sorry pressed send too quickly re previous comment and was making a joke. Thanks for the analysis. John are still a legend in 2014... One of the greatest films I've ever seen. not the most enjoyable, but definitely in the top 5-10 easily in punching me right in the gut. But this trailer is absolute trash.
I cant wait till they remake this one with Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon... Such a perfect movie. I think you are on the right lines. Michael states A deer has to be taken with one shot but he still kills it in first hunt. Why one shot, to respect the deer or even so it doesn't even realise / have trauma around it's death (to offset Michael's guilt. He is forced to play Russian Roulette where this is not the case. This teaches him the value of life and he can't bring himself to kill the deer during the second hunt...
Oh, pretty baby. Why did it stop. Love you John Wayne, may you rest in peace. Just turned thirty and this is the first time I've seen this movie. today's movies kinda suck in comparison. I can only tolerate so many super hero movies. Every dude relates to this scene. That group of 3, 4, 5 or as in here, maybe 6 guys who are tight that you got together with for drinks, laughs, pick up games, cottage weekends and so on. From the late teens to mid 20s you shared it all and you can't remember how you were able to afford it. You argued from time to time and someone was always the asshead (guy who started fights when out, etc) but you had incredible times together and have the nicknames or scares to back it up. You still see each other from time to time but its just a tad different. (jobs, family, kids, new location - the responsibilities of life) But that bond that you shared together is deep and its something you truly wish you had again. True Friends. Our similar tune and moment like this. It's early 90's and the four of us leaving a club around 2am feeling no pain, into the one car our friend has and we're hungry so we drive to the one part of town where you know you can get a good bite to eat rather cheap. The radio is on (couldn't afford cassette or CD in in the car) and on comes Jet by Paul McCartney and the Wings. Four voices singing the harmony to this day never sounded or stayed with me better. That's what this scene means to me.
http://sorasawaka.duckdns.org/sitemap.xml Don't feel too bad, very few got the TRUE moral of the story. It has little to do with the Vietnam war. With MORALS being something our American society despises and wishes to get rid of, it's no surprise that 99% of the audience was blinded by the real moral of the story.